Monday, September 12, 2005

AM 1110 Radio Interview

I had the awesome privilidge of being interviewed on the radio last week. The program is called Urban Praise and it is on Moody Radio's AM Station 1110. They have a great music selection with a mixture of contemporary gospel and latin flavored music. It comes on right now from 3pm - 6pm.

In the interview, I was able to talk about See You at the Pole and also my recent trip to Mississippi to help deliver a semi load of relief supplies to the Hurricane Victims.

I added the background instrumental truck and hopefully it is for your listening pleasure and not annoying.
DISCLAIMER: I create all my podcasts on my apple powerbook laptop with the program Garrageband and they are "homemade" and not necessarily professional.

Download the Interview from AM 1110 to hear about See You At The Pole and my trip to Ocean Springs, MS.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Trip to Ocean Springs, MS

Last weekend, six of us represented New Life Community Church on a delivery of one gigantic semi trailor loaded with all kinds of supplies for Ocean Springs, Mississippi. We drove about 1000 miles in 16 hours to arrive to the town across the bay from Biloxi. We unloaded the semi in a couple of hours and were able to tour what was left of the homes near the beach. We then got back in the van and drove 16 hours to return to church on Sunday morning and give a report. The trip was life changing as there is now doubt that man is not all powerful. We are fragile and life is short. We must be ready to meet our creator as that day can supprise us all. Stay tuned for more updates. Pastor Decrease Dwayne